Editors note: At the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development, we strive to help children heal from the effects of trauma, abuse, and neglect through trusting relationships. This guiding principle informs all we do. It is the lens through which we view everything and the current news events stemming from violence and racism in America… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Resources for Parents
The Power of Repair: Strengthening Relationships in Times of Crisis
by: Jana Hunsley I wanted to share some thoughts with some strategies on what to do during the COVID-19 Pandemic– strategies such as how to Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) your home when you’re all stuck in it. But then, I realized that may not actually be what you need right now, even if that’s the information… Read more »
Connected in Crisis: Families
Our work at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development is centered around connection. We study attachment between parents/caregivers and children and connections within communities. So much of Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) is based on the idea that we are hardwired to connect. But what happens when connection in the traditional sense is cut off? With… Read more »
TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain
From the time we are born, our brains have 100 billion neurons and begin to form synaptic connections that make up who we are and how we function. Tragically, severe or prolonged abuse or neglect manifests in toxic stress which derails brain development and can even affect the immune system.
Starting Small: Nutrition and Hydration
by: Amanda Purvis One simple way to start implementing Trust-based Relational Intervention is to empower your child’s body by meeting physical needs. Nutrition and hydration play key factors in a child’s ability to regulate, and we can help set them up for success by making sure they eating and drinking enough.
On Being an Adoptive Sibling
by: Jana Hunsley Not one thing in this life has affected me so deeply or changed me so profoundly as the adoption of my seven siblings. Before adoption, my home was filled with two older sisters, a younger brother, and two parents. Life was simple, comfortable, and uncomplicated. After adoption, everything about life was different. … Read more »
A New Book From Dr. Karyn Purvis
Update: The Connected Parent will be published on July 7, 2020. Read more about the book here or pre-order here. We’re thrilled to announce the release of a new book for parents of children from hard places, co-authored by Dr. Karyn Purvis, the Institute’s late Founder and Director. This book is Dr. Purvis’s last written work,… Read more »
Starting Small: Eye Contact
by: Amanda Purvis Often times when people first hear about Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) they can feel overwhelmed. If that’s you, take a deep breath. Just like with learning any new skill, we must start small. In this series, we’ll give easy tips to help you start using TBRI®in your home or with the children… Read more »
TBRI® and Autism Spectrum Disorder
by: Emmelie Pickett We are often asked, “Will TBRI work with my child who has Autism?” Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) aims to help children from “hard places” of abuse, neglect, and/or trauma. While not every child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has such a history, research shows that children with ASD are at least two…
by: Emmelie Pickett In honor of her birthday, we’ve taken some of our favorite quotes from Dr. Purvis and made them into images for your smart phone’s lock screen. Feel free to download and save these to your smart phone as a quick reminder to connect with the children in your life. Free Download: TBRI® Lock Screen Reminders