Update: The Connected Parent will be published on July 7, 2020. Read more about the book here or pre-order here. We’re thrilled to announce the release of a new book for parents of children from hard places, co-authored by Dr. Karyn Purvis, the Institute’s late Founder and Director. This book is Dr. Purvis’s last written work,… Read more »
by: Emmelie Pickett Here at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development, we often say that we are learning to change the world for children – and we do mean the world. Sadly, there are vulnerable children across the globe needing trust-based relationships to help them heal. We design trainings and resources, but we rely… Read more »
by Emmelie Pickett Professionals and parents who are first learning about TBRI® often ask us, “Where do I start?” We’ve created numerous resources (many of them free!) to help anyone serving children from hard places develop a better understanding of Trust-Based Relational Intervention®. Here are ten of our favorites: