by: Emmelie Pickett
As TCU students shelter in place in their respective homes, one child development student is taking the opportunity to give back to her hometown. Alexandra Reynoso, a graduating senior, saw a need for providing food for disadvantaged families in Houston, TX, and wanted to help.

TCU child development senior, Alex Reynoso, with donations for Small Steps Nurturing Center.
Through a high school outreach project, Reynoso became involved with Small Steps Nurturing Center, a non-profit preschool that serves economically at-risk children in the Houston area. The experience left a lasting impression on Reynoso, who remains involved with the center.
“I’ve stayed in touch with Small Steps since my senior year of high school. They are always first to come to my mind as a place where I can lend a hand in challenging times.”
While the school has temporarily closed due to COVID-19, Small Steps is currently acting as a drop-off center for volunteer-assembled food boxes for families. Each family box consists of grocery items requested by Small Steps with enough food to feed 4-5 people

Family boxes consist of grocery items for 4-5 people.
With the help of her family and friends, Reynoso organized a drive to fill family boxes for the center. After two rounds of collections, Reynoso has collected seventy boxes which will feed close to 350 people.
“I am so thankful to be in a position of having good health and generous family and friends who have joined me in this cause. Many of my fellow TCU frogs have also contributed. It has been incredible to see communities uniting to support others, even in these challenging times.”

Reynoso has delivered two rounds of family boxes to Small Steps since quarantine began.
Reynoso graduates in May with a degree in child development. She plans to attend nursing school with the goal of becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner.