What is TBRI®?
Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is an emerging intervention model for a wide range of childhood behavioral problems. It has been applied successfully in a variety of contexts, and with many children for whom other interventions have failed (e.g., medications, cognitive-behavioral therapies). TBRI® is based on a solid foundation of neurodevelopmental theory and research, tempered by humanitarian principles. It is a caregiver-based intervention that is designed for children who have experienced relationship-based traumas such as institutionalization, multiple foster placements, maltreatment, and/or neglect. Learn more on our TBRI® page.
I am having problems with my child. Where do you recommend I start?
If this is your first time on our website we recommend that you first visit our resource page, which features a list of our favorite resources for families seeking guidance. Second, we highly recommend that you find a copy of The Connected Child. You may purchase this item online, at your local bookstore or find a copy at a local library. Third, we have a series of educational DVDs available for purchase on our website in the store.
Can you refer me to a therapist you have trained?
A list of professionals who have attended our TBRI® Professional Training is available here. Although we do not have a referral service in place at this time, we recommend looking for someone who recognizes that caregivers are an integral part of the healing process. We firmly believe that real change can only happen when parents bring the therapies into the home (not just in the office for an hour a week).
How do I request a KPICD trainer to speak at my upcoming conference/training?
If you are interested in obtaining training or speaking from one of our trainers, please inquire about a training request form by emailing child@tcu.edu with “training request” in the subject line. We will return a letter to you about fees and the process of booking and contracting with one of our trainers.
May I schedule a consultation with one of your staff members?
Although we wish we could individually consult with every family who contacts us, we are an academic research institute and unable to provide clinical services. Please use our website and resources as a starting place and check the list of TBRI® Practitioners.
Can you train me in your intervention model?
The Institute offers TBRI® Practitioner Training training for professionals. This training is available a few times each year. Please check our Training page for information. If you are not serving in a professional capacity, we recommend TBRI® 101: A Self-Guided Course in Trust-Based Relationships, a series of training videos that can be used by anyone.
If I go through TBRI® Practitioner Training, am I allowed to train others in TBRI®?
TBRI® Practitioners may train within their organization using the TBRI® Caregiver Package. For more information about the full rights and responsibilities of TBRI® Practitioners, read our TBRI® Practitioner Rights and Responsibilities Quick Reference Guide.
If I attended TBRI® Practitioner Training prior to 2017, how do I get access to the TBRI® Caregiver Package?
If you attended TBRI® Practitioner Training prior to 2017 and do not have the TBRI® Caregiver Package, you may access it by e-mailing child@tcu.edu.
I want to purchase some of your DVDs. Which title should I watch first?
Our DVDs are not designed to watch in a specific order, so feel free to start with a title that best suits your family or situation. Descriptions of each DVD are available in our store. If you’re looking for a general place to begin, we have a blog post with suggestions.
Are your DVDs available in other languages?
Trust-Based Parenting is available in Spanish and we are working to translate more titles as funding becomes available. If you are interested in funding DVD translation, please contact Celina Baldwin at celina.baldwin@tcu.edu.
When is your next Hope Connection® Camp?
Information about our current therapeutic camp, Hope Connection 2.0 is available on this page.