Hope Connection 2.0

Hope Connection 2.0

Hope Connection 2.0 is a therapeutic camp for adopted children and their families. Derived from The Hope Connection, the original TBRI summer camp created by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross in the late 1990’s, Hope Connection 2.0 is designed to meet the needs of the entire family, from parents to adopted children to adoptive siblings. Families will learn to better connect with one another, understand and meet needs, and regulate behavior in the context of relationships.

Dates & Calendar Expectations:


Costs (personal and financial):

  • Families will need to commit the time to attend both weekends of camp.
  • Caregivers will need to commit the time before camp to complete pre-camp training. Pre-camp training includes completing a background check form, training in sexual abuse awareness, an interpersonal interview, watching three videos, and responding to questions about the videos. Total time for pre-camp training is approximately 12-15 hours.
  • Families will be immersed in two weekends of a moderate-level intervention within a fully TBRI caregiving environment.
  • Caregivers will be trained and guided through TBRI knowledge, intervention, and application by two highly skilled TBRI Mentors.
  • Families will each be assigned a TBRI Family Coach who will observe family interactions, answer questions, and help families problem-solve individual situations.
  • Children and youth will be assigned a TCU student trained in TBRI who will serve as their camp buddy and primary staff person.
  • KPICD will provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks during camp hours.
  • KPICD will provide each family’s housing accommodation Friday through Sunday during both weekends of camp at a KPICD selected hotel near camp.
  • Families can apply for a travel grant to cover other expenses, e.g., flights, mileage reimbursement.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Families must have at least one child between 5-12 years old who was adopted into their family.
  • All children must be legal, permanent members of their family for at least one year at the time of application.
  • All members of your family living at home are able and willing to participate in camp both weekends.
  • All family members are willing to be photographed during camp
  • All family members are willing to participate in research.
  • Both parents are willing to complete a criminal background check
  • Both parents are willing to complete online pre-training before attending camp.
  • Families should be working with or have access to a TBRI Practitioner to have support and resources post-camp.


To apply:

 Applications have now closed for Fall 2024


New This Year:

The KPICD will provide each family’s housing accommodation Friday through Sunday during both weekends of camp at a KPICD selected hotel near camp.

Families can apply for a travel grant to cover other expenses, e.g., flights, mileage reimbursement here: https://forms.gle/oVKaKciw1ENr5Ttr5