We are pleased to announce that TBRI® has received a rating of ‘Promising’ by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse, developed in accordance with the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA). Both the Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) Caregiver Training Package and TBRI® 101 are now listed by the Clearinghouse as Promising Practices for Mental Health… Read more »
Posts Categorized: General Resources
TBRI Animate: Human Trafficking
“Relationship-based trauma must be healed relationally.” – Dr. Karyn Purvis Over the past twenty years, our institute has seen TBRI®, applied across various communities of care and practice. Through a partnership with the Office of the Texas Governor Child Sex Trafficking Team, our Institute is currently involved in a statewide project focused on implementing TBRI with professionals… Read more »
Connected Communities: What is TBRI®?
Our second episode of Connected Communities features a conversation between our host and KPICD Training Specialist, Sarah Mercado, and Dr. Casey Call. Dr. Call is the Assistant Director of Education at the institute and also serves as an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in the TCU Department of Psychology. Before we dive into our first… Read more »
Connected Communities: The TBRI® Podcast
We’re excited to announce the launch of Connected Communities, The TBRI® Podcast! Our first episode gives an overview of the history of our Institute and Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®). This conversation between host Sarah Mercado and Dr. David Cross emphasized why connection is even more crucial in a global pandemic. LISTEN HERE — Show Notes Linked…
Editors note: At the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development, we strive to help children heal from the effects of trauma, abuse, and neglect through trusting relationships. This guiding principle informs all we do. It is the lens through which we view everything and the current news events stemming from violence and racism in America… Read more »Little Victories
The Benefits of Play in Cognitive Development
Editor’s note: While it may seem like a simple idea, play is fundamental to forming trust-based relationships. Play permeates the TBRI empowering, connecting, and correcting principles and as Dr. Purvis once said: “Play disarms fear, builds connectedness, and teaches social skills and competencies for life.” We’ve recently received a few questions about the benefits of… Read more »
TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain
From the time we are born, our brains have 100 billion neurons and begin to form synaptic connections that make up who we are and how we function. Tragically, severe or prolonged abuse or neglect manifests in toxic stress which derails brain development and can even affect the immune system.
3 Questions for Teaching Self-Regulation
by: Katie Thornton Self-Regulation is a key component of the TBRI Empowering Principles. What do we mean by self-regulation?
TBRI® Classrooms
by Emmelie Pickett Because millions of American school-aged children have experienced abuse, neglect or trauma, we have developed many resources to help educators create healing learning environments to meet the unique needs of these vulnerable children. While some of these resources are not geared specifically to a classroom setting, our hope is that anyone who…
TBRI Life Values are short scripts designed to guide children toward optimal behavior. What we love most about the TBRI Life Values is that they create a language of respect in families, groups, and classrooms. Remember that TBRI Life Values are most effective when they’re taught proactively during moments of calm when children are ready to…
TBRI® Life Values Free Printable!