by Emmelie Pickett
Because millions of American school-aged children have experienced abuse, neglect or trauma, we have developed many resources to help educators create healing learning environments to meet the unique needs of these vulnerable children. While some of these resources are not geared specifically to a classroom setting, our hope is that anyone who works with children from hard places can glean insights about how trauma affects the brain and how to bring deep healing to the children they serve.
Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors. While the intervention is based on years of attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience research, the heartbeat of TBRI® is connection.
1. TBRI Animate Video
For someone who is brand new to TBRI, this is the perfect place to start. This short video (just over 3 minutes!) gives a broad overview of how trauma affects the brain and alters the ability for children to learn and develop in optimal ways.
2. The Connected Child – Chapter 4
Because fearful children are unable to learn, educators must be keenly aware of fear responses and how to disarm them. This chapter, available for free download, from The Connected Child (Purvis, Cross & Sunshine, 2007) provides insight about how to address-fear driven behaviors that may occur in the classroom.
3. TBRI in Schools YouTube Playlist
Our YouTube Channel features many helpful video resources, but we have created a playlist specifically for those who work in schools. This channel features three testimonies of TBRI savvy teachers and also a chapter about school from our video, Children From Hard Places & the Brain.
4. Creating Trauma-Informed Classrooms Article
Teachers certainly have to deal with difficult behaviors that arise in the classroom, and this article helps educators recognize fear-based responses that can look like misbehavior. This article features data from studies we have conducted in schools as well as helpful tips for teachers who are seeking to become more trauma-informed.
5. Teaching TBRI Life Values Printable
TBRI Life Values are helpful in encouraging youngsters toward optimal behavior through quick reminders or scripts. We created a free downloadable packet of the TBRI Life Values for teachers (or anyone!) to print off and use. Post them as signs in your classroom, or pull a new one out each week as a teaching tool as you mentor your students toward the desired behavior.
We are pleased to provide all of the resources listed above as a free gift to anyone who wants to learn more about TBRI. If you want to dig even deeper, check out some of the products in our store that are designed to deepen your understanding of Trust-Based Relationships:
Children From Hard Places & The Brain Video (DVD and Digital Download)
Trust-Based Parenting Video (DVD and Digital Download)
Research has documented the fact that trauma-informed environments have the capacity to ameliorate the damaging impact of abuse and improve the long-term outcomes for these precious children who have come from hard places. Our hope is that these materials will help teachers create learning environments that empower both educators and their students to find joy in the teaching relationship and joy in learning.
Hello! I am the Preschool Administrator at Light and Life Christian Preschool in Avon. You visited our school a year ago and provided staff training. I would be interested in any materials or additional training you can provide to our staff. Thank you!
Hello! I am looking for local resources to provide to my school administration for TBRI classroom training. Is there a list of individuals we might hire to come train staff at the school?
Thank you,
Sarah J Wilson
How timely! I’m on lunch break from TBRI I’m service
I’d love these resources as a teacher!
What does TBRI stand for? Please consider including the actual words somewhere obvious. As a busy teacher (yes, even in the off-season), I need to know at a glance if a resource is going to be useful for me. My adopted grandson experienced trauma before he came to us and my daughter-in-law and son are wonderful parents who are helping him live his best life. My d-i-l sent this link to me so I’m sure it’s worthwhile. Had I come across it on my own, I would have blown past it.
Put me on your email list.
I’m excited for the information.
Hi, Pam, thanks for your comment. Our training opportunities are available on this page: https://child.tcu.edu/professionals/.
Hi Sarah, all speaking request should go through the contact form on this page: https://child.tcu.edu/contact-us/.
Thanks for your comment, Marti. We’ve added a brief description to the top of the article for reference.
Please add me to your email list.
Please put me on your email list. I’m an LPC looking to learn about TBRI
When is the next online TBRO Schools training? I would like more information. Thank you! …I am one of your TBRI clinicians and educators.
Would love to be apart of another classroom training. When will the next one be?
Kindly put me on mailing list
Can you all post when the next TBRI in Schools training is? I had heard it would be in September. I would love to get my school to do it.
I am looking for research studies that show the impact of your program in school settings.
I went thru one of your TBRI training classes with my former employer within the last year and was hoping to confirm if there was a way to obtain a copy of my completion certificate.
Michael, please send an e-mail to child@tcu.edu so we can look into this. Thank you!
where can I get a list of calming exercise to practice with my classroom?
Wow, this post was so informative and helpful! As a teacher, I always strive to create a safe and supportive environment for my students, and I can see how the TBRI approach can be incredibly beneficial for children who have experienced trauma. I love how this post breaks down the three principles of TBRI and provides actionable tips for implementing them in the classroom. Thank you for sharing this valuable information!
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